Mission: SPACE (Epcot)

Green Mission – Less Intense Training

(Pre-Show Video.)

Welcome to the International Space Training Center. You’re here today to train for the the greatest adventure in the history of mankind: space travel. I know you’re probably feeling a little nervous right now, but don’t worry — every astronaut has felt that way at one time or another. Even the heroes who went to the moon. But there is one thing they had that you don’t have yet: training. You’re here today for flight training — the most thrilling experience that any astronaut candidate will ever have. Before you decide if it’s right for you, let me introduce you to your spacecraft: the X-2 Space Shuttle. It’s powered by solid hydrogen and can accelerate from zero to 6,000 in 60 seconds. So when you hear the words, “Go for launch,” you’ll definitely want to hang on. Now, you’ve already been organized into teams, and soon each of you will be assigned a position — Navigator, Pilot, Commander, or Engineer. The success of your mission will depend on all of you working together as a team. I’ll be your Capcom, and in a few minutes, I’ll give you your specific assignments. But first, our flight director has some safety instructions for you. Lieutenant?

Remember the team number you’re standing on. When the doors in front of you open, you will be directed to a flight station with that number on it. When you get there, please stand on the circles. During your Green Team – Less Intense Training mission, you will be enclosed inside X-2 flight simulators that produce sensations of acceleration. Those who are made uncomfortable by enclosed dark spaces or simulators should bypass this experience.

As you can see, astronaut fight training isn’t like anything you’ve ever experienced before. If you would like to opt out, just ask any member of the ISTC crew for directions. As for the rest of you, report for your pre-flight briefing. It’s go time.

(Pre-flight briefing video.)

Attention, astronaut candidates: you have selected Green Team – Less Intense Training. However, if you are made uncomfortable by enclosed dark spaces or simulators, you may exit the flight training area now. Ask a uniformed crew member for directions.

Congratulations, team! You have been selected to train for a spectacular mission around the Earth. Your flight path will take you west across North America, Asia, Europe, and back home to Florida. You’re gonna love it!

T-minus three minutes and counting.

Okay, listen up, here are your assignments. Navigator, you’ll be adjusting the pitch of the X-2 if necessary and firing thrusters for your decent. Pilot, on my signal, I’ll need you to trigger first stage separation. You’ll also be triggering the landing sequence. Commander, you will be responsible for activating the flight sequence and for activating manual control if needed. Engineer, you will activate the flight cameras when we reach altitude. You will also extend the wings for landing. Don’t worry, when it’s time to push the buttons, they will light up — then I’ll give you the go. One last thing. In the event of an emergency landing, there are control sticks at every crew position. Okay, Lieutenant, any final instructions for our new kids?

When the flight bay doors open, follow the markings on the floor to your capsule. Then move all the way across, taking your crew position in the cockpit, and stow all personal items in the compartment in front of you. Young cadets wearing a lanyard will need a special X-2 Booster to train for this mission. When you enter the capsule, insert the Booster as shown. Once you have secured all cargo, help your young cadets lower their restraints. Then take your seat, reach up, and pull down your restraint. After you have completed your mission, remove your X-2 Booster and place it in the recovery bin on your way out. They’re all yours, Capcom.

Well, I guess that’s everything. Good luck, Earth team. You are on the clock.

Follow the markings on the floor to your X-2 Trainer and begin boarding now.

(Guests board the X-2 Trainer.)

Store personal items in the compartment in front of you. Then reach up and pull down on the restraints.

Warning: Instrument panel closing. If needed, space sickness bags are located on the instrument panel.

Capcom to X-2: Welcome aboard, team. After you get settled, check out your buttons. Navigator, welcome aboard. During the mission, you will be adjusting the pitch of the X-2 if necessary, and firing thrusters for your descent. Pilot, the X-2 is an excellent ship. Your job will be to trigger first stage separation and trigger the landing sequence. Surgeon, how we doing?

All good for launch!

Commander, your assignments are to activate flight sequence, and for landing, activate manual control.

Loading flight plan.

Engineer, just a reminder: You will activate the flight cameras when we reach altitude. You will also extend the wings for landing. (Radio chatter from Mission Control to other crew members on the ground.) Good luck, team. All of us here at Mission Control wish you a safe journey around the planet!

(The X-2 Space Shuttle begins to move upright.)

Mission Control, this is the firing room. Give us the “go, go, go” for launch!

Network, you are go for launch.

We have main engines start. 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… Liftoff! (Thrusters start and the X-2 Space Shuttle begins moving up into the atmosphere.) Mission Control, the tower is clear! They’re all yours.

Mission Control to X-2: You are go and throttle up. Pilot, initiate first stage separation, now!


(The X-2 Space Shuttle enters low Earth orbit.)

Commander, initiate flight sequence, now!


Navigator, initiate thrusters to adjust pitch, now!


Engineer, activate flight cameras, now!


(The X-2 Space Shuttle begins moving west across the Earth’s orbit, passing several islands and continents.)

Your flight path today is taking you across the United States, past the Grand Canyon and leaving the continent at San Francisco. (The X-2 Space Shuttle clears continental North America.) The Space Station should be coming into view. (The X-2 Space Shuttle passes the International Space Station.) And down on Earth, the Hawaiian Islands. (The X-2 Space Shuttle passes over Hawaii.) In a moment, you’ll be crossing paths with another X-2, just launched from the Pacific. (Another X-2 can be seen up ahead. Back on Earth, Asia comes into view.) Up ahead, you should see Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun. As you cross into China, you’ll pass Beijing, the Great Wall, and we’ve got reports of a storm brewing over the Gobi Desert. Passing over the Himalayas, you should have a gorgeous night view of India. (The X-2 begins passing over the Middle East and Europe.) By now, you’re over the Middle East, and to the left is the Nile River — snaking its way towards Cairo, and the Mediterranean. You should be seeing Greece and Italy. And up ahead: Paris, the City of Lights. (As the X-2 continues north, the Northern Lights become visible.) Tonight, there’s a spectacular Northern Lights show on your horizon.

We’re getting reports of a strong storm cell directly in the landing path.

Okay, listen up, team: Change of plans. It’s going to be a challenging approach and we’re going to need all of you working together. Pilot: Initiate landing sequence, now!

Computer override: initiated.

Navigator, initiate descent, now!

Rockets fired.

(The X-2 Space Shuttle begins it’s descent towards Earth.)

Engineer, extend wings for gliding, now!

Computer override: wings extended.

(Computer begins beeping.)

We’ve lost auto-pilot!

Commander, activate manual control, now!


(The X-2 Space Shuttle passes through a heavy storm, maneuvering left and right as it approaches the landing runway.)

All hands on the control sticks. Pull right! Now left. Right. Left. Back to center. Hold it steady…

They’re coming in too hot!

Pull back! (The X-2 Space Shuttle successfully lands on the landing pad, crashing into the wire buffers at the end of the runway. A video of the Mission Control pops up.) Down and clear! (Everyone at Mission Control applauds.) Mission accomplished. Good work, team, and welcome back to Earth, and welcome to the Astronaut Corps!

Okay, heads back, and release the restraints. Now, push the restraints up. Before you exit your capsule, please remember to gather your personal items and remove any X-2 Boosters. Thanks, and see you next mission.

(Guests exit the X-2 Trainer.)

Orange Mission – More Intense Training

(Pre-Show Video.)

Welcome to the International Space Training Center. You’re here today to train for the the greatest adventure in the history of mankind: space exploration. I know you’re probably feeling a little nervous right now, but don’t worry — every astronaut has felt that way at one time or another. Even the heroes who went to the moon. But there is one thing they had that you don’t have yet: training. You’re here today for flight training — the most thrilling experience that any astronaut candidate will ever have. Before you decide if it’s right for you, let me introduce you to your spacecraft: the X-2 Space Shuttle. It’s powered by solid hydrogen and can accelerate from zero to 6,000 in 60 seconds. So when you hear the words, “Go for launch,” you’ll definitely want to hang on. Now, you’ve already been organized into teams, and soon each of you will be assigned a position — Navigator, Pilot, Commander, or Engineer. The success of your mission will depend on all of you working together as a team. I’ll be your Capcom, and in a few minutes, I’ll give you your specific assignments. But first, our flight director has some safety instructions for you. Lieutenant?

Remember the team number you’re standing on. When the doors in front of you open, you will be directed to a flight station with that number on it. When you get there, please stand on the circles. During your Orange Team – More Intense Training mission, you will be enclosed inside X-2 flight simulators that produce deep-space flying conditions, such as turbulence and g-forces. Those who are prone to motion sickness or made uncomfortable by enclosed dark spaces, simulators, or spinning should bypass this experience.

As you can see, astronaut fight training isn’t like anything you’ve ever experienced before. It is intense, and if you would like to opt out, just ask any member of the ISTC crew for directions. As for the rest of you — report for your pre-flight briefing. It’s go time.

(Pre-flight briefing video.) 

Attention, astronaut candidates. You have selected Orange Team – More Intense Training. If you are prone to motion sickness or made uncomfortable by enclosed dark spaces, simulators, or spinning, you may exit the flight training area now. Ask a uniformed crew member for directions to the Green Team – Less Intense Training area.

Congratulations, team! You have been selected to train for a mission to Mars. Teams are awaiting your arrival at the landing site here, at Valles Marineris. Your mission is to get to that landing site. Your flight path to Mars will take you around the Moon for a lunar gravity assist. But even with that “slingshot,” your trip will take three months, so we’ll have to put you into Hypersleep.

Hypersleep activated.

Don’t worry, it’ll only seem like a second or two to you. I’ll give you a wake-up call when you get to Mars.

T-minus three minutes and counting.

Okay, now listen up — here are your assignments. Navigator, you’ll fire the thrusters for lunar orbit insertion and for decent to the surface of Mars. Pilot, on my signal, I’ll need you to trigger the second stage rocket. You’ll also deploy the shields. Commander, you will be responsible for first stage separation and activating manual control for landing. Engineer, when it’s bedtime, you will activate Hypersleep. You will also extend the wings for landing. Don’t worry, when it’s time to push the buttons, they will light up, then I’ll give you the go. One last thing. In the event of an emergency landing, there are control sticks at every crew position. Okay, Lieutenant, any final instructions for our new kids?

When the flight bay doors open, follow the markings on the floor to your capsule. Then move all the way across, taking your crew position in the cockpit, and stow all personal items in the compartment in front of you. Then reach up, and pull down your restraint. Now listen carefully. Leaning forward, closing your eyes, or looking left or right during your flight could disorient you, so keep your head back against the headrest, keep your eyes open at all times, and focus straight ahead even if you start to feel disoriented. They’re all yours, Capcom.

Well, I guess that’s everything. Good luck, Mars team. You are on the clock.

Attention, trainees: Follow the markings on the floor to your X-2 Trainer, and begin boarding now. 

(Guests board the Mars X-2 Trainer.)

Store personal items in the compartment in front of you. Then reach up and pull down on the restraints. 

Warning: Instrument panel closing. If needed, space sickness bags are located on the instrument panel. 

Capcom to Mars X-2. Welcome aboard, team. After you get settled, check out your buttons. Navigator, welcome aboard. Now remember, during the mission you will be initiating lunar orbit and decent. Pilot, the X-2 is an excellent ship. All you have to do is fire the second stage and deploy the shields. Surgeon, how we doing? 

All good for launch!

Commander, just remember your assignments: First stage separation of and manual control. 

Loading flight plan.

Engineer, just a reminder: You will activate Hypersleep and extend the wings. Good luck, team. All of us here at Mission Control are proud to be a part of this historic liftoff.

(The X-2 Space Shuttle begins to move upright.)

Mission Control, this is the firing room. Give us the “go, go, go” for launch!

Network, you are go for launch.

We have main engines start. 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… Liftoff! (Thrusters start and the X-2 Space Shuttle begins moving up into the atmosphere.) Mission Control, the tower is clear! They’re all yours.

Mission Control to Mars X-2: You are go and throttle up. Commander, initiate first stage separation, now!

Computer override: initiated. (The X-2 Space Shuttle enters low Earth orbit.) Zero G confirmed.

You’re looking good, team. Pilot, engage second stage rocket, now!

Engaged. (The X-2 Space Shuttle passes by a satellite and orbits Earth.) Leaving Earth orbit. Velocity: 15,000… 16,000.

You should have visual of the Space Station now, and you are on course for your slingshot around the Moon. (The X-2 Space Shuttle passes the International Space Station and heads towards the Moon for a lunar gravity assist.) Navigator, fire rockets for lunar orbit insertion, now!

L.O.I. confirmed.

(The X-2 Space Shuttle orbits the Moon, exiting at a picturesque view of Earth.)

Beautiful sight, isn’t it? Something to dream about on the way to Mars. Engineer, activate Hypersleep, now.

Activated. (The X-2 Space Shuttle’s windows freeze over. Heartbeat becomes louder. Voices fade. Everything becomes dark.) Hypersleep duration: three months. Monitoring…

(Siren blares. Window lightens to a view of Mars with hundreds of asteroids in close proximity.)

Rise and shine! Let’s go, team! We’ve got a problem.

Beginning evasive maneuvers.

(The X-2 Space Shuttle begins maneuvering around all asteroids in its way.)

This meteor storm is directly over your Mars landing site.

Proximity alert.

Pilot, deploy the shields, now!

Shields deployed.

We’re ready for deorbit burn.

Navigator, fire rockets for descent, now!

Rockets fired. (The X-2 Space Shuttle approaches Mars’ surface and begins the landing sequence.) Two-hundred miles to planet surface.

Engineer, extend wings for gliding, now!

Wings extended.

(The X-2 Space Shuttle begins gliding through Mars’ atmosphere. Computer begins beeping.)

We’ve lost autopilot!

Commander, activate manual control, now!


(The X-2 Space Shuttle begins veering towards canyon walls. The passengers take control and steer the X-2 Space Shuttle away.)

We need all hands on the control sticks. Pull back. Pull back! Left! Pull left. Watch the canyon walls. Now, right. Ease it left.

(The X-2 Space Shuttle approaches and lands the landing runway.)

They’re coming in too hot!

Back to center. Just hold it steady.

Runway ends in one thousand feet. Two hundred feet.

Watch the barriers!

Fifty feet.

Pull back!

(Computer beeping.)

Hang on!

(The X-2 Space Shuttle passes over the barriers and into the snowy ice cap of Mars.)

Down and clear.

(Beeping.) Alert! Location: canyon edge.

(The ice beneath the X-2 Space Shuttle crumbles and falls hundred of feet down into the canyon.)

Don’t move a muscle. (The X-2 Space Shuttle rocks back and forth but stabilizes and successfully lands. A video of the Mission Control pops up.) Good work, team! (Everyone at Mission Control applauds.) You made it to the landing sight. Welcome to Mars, and welcome to the Astronaut Corps.

Okay, heads back. Releasing restraints. Now push the restraints up, be sure to gather all your belongings, and follow the arrows out.

(Guests exit the Mars X-2 Trainer.)

(Transcription contributed by Brendan Warski.)

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