Living with the Land (Epcot) – 2015 Version

(Loading area announcements.)

Welcome to Living with the Land. As you board the boat, please lower your head and watch your step. For your safety, remain seated with your hands, arms, feet, and legs inside the boat at all times. Parents, please supervise your children, and refrain from flash photography or using video lights until we reach the greenhouses. Thank you. Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy Living with the Land.

(Spanish safety spiel.)

(Boats begin moving.)

Welcome to a voyage of discovery and awareness of the richness, the diversity, and the often surprising nature of living with the land. Our journey begins as dramatic and sudden changes are sweeping over the land. The approaching storm may seem violent and destructive to us, but to nature, it’s a new beginning in the cycle of life.

Beneath the surface of the land, roots trap water from the flowing mud—extracting precious nutrients and minerals. These elements, when combined with sunlight, create the first living systems of our planet.

One of those living systems is the rainforest—home to the most amazing concentration of life on our planet. These dense and beautiful forests cover only a tiny portion of the Earth’s surface, but they contain more than half of its plant and animal species. Rainforests are also extremely rich in productive living systems, providing us with oxygen, food, medicine, and other elements essential to our lives.

In the desert, nature has created a very different (but no less beautiful) living system. And while this arid landscape may seem lifeless, it is very much alive. The plants and animals that have learned to survive in these harsh conditions made use of what little water they could find and avoid the scorching rays of the relentless sun.

The American prairie once appeared as desolate as the desert, but over time, rainwater and nutrients gradually penetrated the hard surface of this land. Even the hooves of the mighty buffalo helped create the rich soil that would one day become home to the American farm.

(Rooster crows. Dog barks. Goat brays.)

Of all the forces at work on the land, humans have had one of the most profound effects. The need to produce food for the growing world led to the enormous use—and sometimes overuse—of the land. In our search for more efficient ways to grow food, we often failed to realize the impact of our methods.

Today, we’re learning to live with the land—discovering better ways to grow food that will assure both human and environmental wellbeing.

In Japan, we’re learning that by adding composted leaves and other plant material to our soil, we can reduce the need for fertilizers.

In farmlands across America, we’re learning that by plowing under vegetation containing natural fertilizers, we can enrich the soil without the use of chemicals.

In Saudi Arabia and Mexico, we’re learning to produce food on desert seacoasts by developing and planting crops that thrive on saltwater.

Here at Epcot, we’re learning to reduce the need for pesticides by using natural predators like ladybugs and wasps to control pests.

How will we meet tomorrow’s growing need for food production, yet still respect the needs of the land? Some of the answers are being discovered just ahead. To help us maintain these carefully-controlled ecosystems (and for your safety), please remain seated in your boat at all times.

(Boats enter greenhouse.)

Welcome to our living laboratory, where scientists from Epcot and the U.S. Department of Agriculture are exploring innovative ways to produce bountiful harvests—now and into the future.

The tropics are home to the greatest diversity of plants on the planet. Many of these—like papaya, bananas, cacao, coffee, and rice—are well-known around the world. These are just a few of the edible plants that have been an important source of nutrition for people living in the tropics. Many are rich in vitamins and minerals, while others are well-adapted to growing in less-than-ideal conditions. Some, like the waterlily, thrive in wet, swampy areas and waterways. All parts of this plant—even the flower petals—are edible. The starchy root of the plant has long been used to make flour for baking.

One day, many of these lesser-known tropical plants may be as important as the bananas growing on both sides of the boat. More than 28 million tons of bananas are eaten annually, making it the most popular fruit in the world.

(Boats enter aquaculture room.)

When we mention farming, you probably don’t think of fish—but fish farming (or aquaculture) accounts for nearly half of all the seafood consumed globally. Tilapia, bass, and catfish, like the ones you see here, are three of the more popular crops raised by fish farmers. The sustainable system we’re using here recycles the water in the tanks. As a result, we’re able to save millions of gallons each year. Our small fish farm produces nearly 5,000 pounds of fish each year to serve in restaurants around Walt Disney World. Innovations like this one can play an important role in our efforts to produce bountiful harvests and still protect natural resources.

(Boats go back out to greenhouse.)

While there are more than 50,000 edible plant species in the world, most of us are only familiar with the handful that make up our everyday diet. The common grains growing here—wheat, maize, sorghum, and millet (plus rice)—account for nearly two-thirds of our global food consumption. Learning how to increase yields of these staples is an important goal of research around the world.

These plants are definitely on their way up! Innovative growing techniques like these increase yield, while more efficiently using resources like water, fertilizer, and pesticides. Another innovation at work here is our integrated pest-management program. By populating our greenhouses with beneficial insects that prey on harmful pests like aphids and flies, we are significantly reducing our reliance on conventional pesticides.

We’re growing these crops using our nutrient film system. This technique precisely controls and recycles water and nutrients. With it, we can produce over 27,000 heads of lettuce a year in this one small area.

Some of our best ideas have been inspired by nature, like these fruit and vegetable trees. By growing these ground plants vertically, we can increase yield and better control diseases. These crops taste as good as they look—in fact, we serve more than 15 tons of produce from our greenhouses in restaurants here at The Land every year.

The future of agriculture may include innovative ideas like this vertical growing system. Plants grown in this way use a fraction of the space required by traditional growing methods. That saves water and increases production. The aquaponics system on your left combines hydroponics with aquaculture. The fish provide a natural source of fertilizer for the plants, and the plants help keep the water clean for the fish. It’s another great way to produce more while using less.

In our lab, Epcot scientists are working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture on a number of innovative projects. The goal of these efforts is to produce higher-yielding and better-quality plants.

(Boats move back into building.)

These greenhouses represent just a fraction of the work being done worldwide to produce bountiful harvests for our growing population. Scientists, farmers, and even backyard gardeners are doing their part to improve the quantity and quality of foods that we all rely upon . Together we can continue to find more ways to increase food production and protect our precious natural environment. Only then, will we truly be living with the land.

On behalf of Walt Disney World, we hope you’ve enjoyed this unique journey through our living laboratories. If you’d like a closer look, then check out the Behind the Seeds walking tour. It’s a chance for the whole family to get up close and personal with the plants and growing techniques in our laboratory.

Please keep your hands and feet inside the boat, and remain seated until the boat comes to a complete stop.

(Boats return to unload area.)

Please gather all your personal belongings. Lower your head, and watch your step as you exit.

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Spaceship Earth (Epcot) – Dame Judi Dench Version (2008-Present)

(Loading area announcements.)

The sliding doors of your Time Machine will close automatically. For your safety, remain seated with your hands, arms, feet, and legs inside the vehicle, and please watch your children. Please take small children by the hand, and watch your step on the moving platform. The platform is moving at the same speed as your Time Machine vehicle. Please take small children by the hand, and watch your step onto the moving platform. The platform and your time machine vehicle are moving at the same speed.
(Guests board time machine vehicles)
During your slow-moving journey, your Time Machine will slowly rotate backwards and may stop momentarily. For your safety, remain seated at all times.

This is Spaceship Earth control. On behalf of Siemens, welcome aboard! On the map in front of you, please show us where you’re from while we input your time-travel coordinates.
(Guests select language, hometown on computer.)
Now locate the monitor overhead to the right.  Make sure your face is clearly visible, and wait for the flash.
(Guests are photographed.)
Good! Sending photo to the future. All systems are go. Linking you now to your guide.

Like a grand and miraculous spaceship, our planet has sailed through the universe of time; and for a brief moment we have been among it’s passengers. But where are we going? And what kind of future will we discover there? Surprisingly, the answers lie in our past. Since the dawn of recorded history, we’ve been inventing the future one step at a time. So let’s travel back in time together. I’ll show you how our ancestors created the world we know today, and then it will be your turn to create the world of tomorrow.

Here, in this hostile world, is where our story begins. We are alone, struggling to survive until we learn to communicate with one another. Now we can hunt as a team and survive together.

It takes 15,000 years to come up with the next bright idea: recording our knowledge on cave walls. There was only one small problem, when we moved, the recorded knowledge stayed behind.

Now, let’s move ahead to ancient Egypt, because something is about to happen here that will change the future forever. This unknown Egyptian pounding reeds flat is inventing papyrus—a sort of paper. Papyrus, in turn, creates better record keeping of plans, designs, and unfortunately taxes. But it also brings with it the dawn of great civilizations.

At this point, each civilization has its own form of writing, which none of the others can understand. But the Phoenicians, who trade with all of them, have a solution. They create a simple, common alphabet, adaptable to most languages. Remember how easy it was to learn your ABC’s? Thank the Phoenicians—they invented them.

The ancient Greeks were great inventors of the future. First, they established public schools, and then begin teaching an intriguing new subject called mathematics. And with math comes mechanical technology and the birth of a high-tech life we enjoy today.

(Speaking Greek)

With lessons learned from the Greeks, the Romans create a powerful empire. To move their armies around, they build a system of roads all over the known world. Rome built the first “world wide web,” and it’s leading us into the future.

(Speaking Latin)

But then we hit a roadblock—Rome falls, and the great Library of Alexandria in Egypt is burned. Much of our learning is destroyed—lost forever… or so we think.

(Speaking Arabic)

It turns out there are copies of some of these books in the libraries of the Middle East, being watched over by Arab and Jewish scholars. Call it the first backup system. The books are saved, and with them our dreams of the future.

In the meantime, here in Europe, monks toil endlessly, recording books by hand—but that is about to change.

In 1450, Gutenberg invents the movable type printing press. Now knowledge can travel as fast as these new books… and travel they do.

Books make it easier to invent the future in every field, and the result is an incredible explosion of innovation that we call the Renaissance.

(Reading from book in Italian)

CHOIR (Singing)
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah, etc.

Books, it seems, were just the beginning. Now communication technology races headlong into the future, and soon people all over the world are sharing life’s most important moments faster than ever before.

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Lee surrenders at Appomattox! Civil War is over! Extra! Extra!

I’m sorry, that line is busy. One moment please. One moment, I’ll transfer you.

And today, we received word that Amelia Earhart has landed safe and sound in Wales. Today, July 19th, 1948, will forever be known as the day that she flew across the Atlantic and into the hearts of people around the world. Amelia Earhart has gone where no other woman has gone before!

By now, we’re all communicating from anywhere on Earth—and in 1969, from somewhere else.

It’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind.

To send a man to the moon, we had to invent a new language, spoken not by man, but by computers—at first very large, very expensive computers—but we see the potential.

What if everyone could have one of these amazing machines in their own house? There’s just one problem: they’re as big as a house. The solution comes in, of all places, a garage in California. Young people with a passion for shaping the future put the power of the computer in everyone’s hands. Together, we form a super network that goes with billions of interactions, and once again we stand on the brink of a new Renaissance.

After 30,000 years of time travel, here we are—a truly global community, poised to shape the future of this, our Spaceship Earth.

Please remain seated. Your Time Machine will be rotating backward for your return to Earth. In preparation for your return to Earth, your Time Machine will be rotating backward. Please remain seated.

For the first time in history, all of us can have a say about the kind of world we want to live in. The choices we have made for the past 30,000 years have been inventing the future one day at a time. And now, it’s your turn.

Let’s have some fun creating the future, shall we? On your computer screen, answer a few questions for us. Then, we’ll show you a new world, custom made just for you. Ready?

Well done! Now along with your answers let’s add in some amazing new technology that we happen to know about.

And now, I believe your future is just about ready. Let’s take a look, shall we?

Welcome to the future! Or should I say your future!
(Video customized based on guest selections.)
The end. Or should I say “the beginning”… of your future!

So here’s to the next 30,000 years on Spaceship Earth. While no one knows for sure what we’ll see or do, I do know it will be quite an adventure—an adventure that we’ll take and make together. See you in the future!

Welcome back, time travelers. Now, Siemens invites you to visit Project Tomorrow—an exciting world of new ideas and innovations, made possible by Siemens’ ingenuity.

Your vehicle doors will open automatically. Please keep your hands  away from the doors, and step carefully onto the moving platform.

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Soarin’ (Epcot)

(Preshow Safety Video)

Hello, and welcome to Soarin’. My name is Patrick, and I’ll be your chief flight attendant today. We’ll begin boarding in a few minutes, but first, I’d like to acquaint you with some important safety information. When the doors to your flight open, please take a seat and store all carry-on items in the under-seat compartment. This includes cameras, purses, hats, and of course, these little beauties. Next, fasten your seatbelts, inserting them into the buckle on your right. If smaller aviators don’t measure up to the height indicator on the seat, just put the belt through the loop in the center strap before buckling. Nice work pal! Soon you will be airborne, so if you or your little aviators have a fear of flying or of heights, you might wanna wait for your party at the arrival gate. Okay, let’s review: that is seat, seatbelt, carry-on items, safety strap, fear of heights, keep your hands and arms inside at all times—anything else…? Oh yeah, have a nice flight!

(Video ends)

Attention passengers, we are now ready for boarding: beginning with row one, followed by two, and then three. Welcome aboard!

(Guests move into theatre)

We are now conducting our final systems check. Please stow all carry-on items in the under-seat compartment. For your safety, remain seated with your seatbelt fastened during your flight. And watch your children.

(Spanish safety spiel)

Soarin’ to Tower: we are ready for takeoff.

(Attraction begins and ends)

On behalf of our entire flight crew, thanks for soarin’ with us. To unfasten your seatbelt, just push down on the red button on your right. Be sure to gather all your carry-on items from the under-seat compartment and exit to your right. Have a great stay here in Epcot, or wherever your final destination may take you.

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